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Is your comms provider stuck in the past?
2-way communications, like texting and sending location links, have become a critical part of typical freight workflows. But our competitors are stuck in the past, with outdated UIs and APIs. Even worse, they nickel and dime you for every interaction!
Dart - modern tools + cost savings
Dart is a modern, workflow agnostic, freight-focused communications platform. You can send texts, make calls, and geo-locate the driver with location links, all from our UI or via the API. And we'll save you money compared to the competition!


Lower cost, higher value

* Average per-ping price of pre-paid package plans
SMS rate
(<= 160 characters, no attachments)
Not available
MMS rate
(> 160 characters and/or attachments)
* $0.10 /ping
(they charge multiple pings for additional 160 characters)
Location Links
(we only charge for outbound)
* $0.10/ping
(they charge both inbound + outbound)
AI Voice Calls
Not available


💰 Cut your text messaging costs by 50-75%!
💰 Our competition charges per segment, meaning that you could be getting charged multiple pings for a single message!
💰 Cut your location link charges by 50% - our competition charges for responses, but that's included with Dart!
💰 In their first month of using Dart, one customer saved a comparative 14,000 pings!


AI Phone Calls - simple, self-serve UI + API for making freight calls with built-in freight tasks, the ability to add info for the AI agent to reference during the call and escalations/transfers.
SMS + MMS - we have < 1% opt-out rate on our driver text communications.
Location Links - precisely identify the driver without an app.
Team-level scoping - Segment your comms by customer, by team - Dart is built for team workflows.
Scheduled outreach - make your check calls at any scheduled time.
Single Sign On (SSO) - secure access for your whole organization.
SMS/MMS auto responses - (coming soon) let our intelligence handle routine replies to the driver.
Language translation - (coming soon) speak the driver in their native language and have it translated back to English.


What are good use cases for Dart?
- Adding SMS + AI Calls to your TMS or freight app by leveraging our API and webhooks.
- Giving your team a centralized communications channel for interacting with drivers via text and AI calls.
How is Dart different from Lasso?
Dart offers a lightweight, workflow agnostic communications layer to your application and/or team. You define when you want messages or calls sent and what kind of data you'd like collected and sent back to you. It is a pure communications platform.

Lasso offers a more managed and automated way to communicate with drivers. Some key differences from Dart are that it uses AI agents to automatically reply to drivers, escalate issues to your team, and know when to update your TMS. It also comes with check call templates, so you can auto-apply a standard way of making check calls to all of the loads imported from your TMS.
Why wouldn't I just use Twilio or another provider directly?
There are many great products within providers like Twilio and Signalwire, but they lack a few key elements that Dart provides.

1. Dart is redundant across multiple providers, so an outage at one won't cause hiccups.
2. Dart provides a uniform, enhanced API over these providers, offering things like custom metadata fields to make it easier for you analyze your communications.
3. Dart provides a self-serve UI so your team can send one-off replies or simply review activity.
4. We handle the phone number allocation and registration campaigns needed for sending SMS, so you aren't mired in the paperwork.
More info on SMS and MMS?
The most common messages to drivers are under 160 characters and don't contain images. Those types of messages are SMS and are cheaper for us to process, and we pass the savings along to you.

Messages that are longer than 160 characters are broken into "segments." Let's look at some examples:
- A 200 character text message is 2 segments (one 160 character segment, one 40 character segment). This is like 2 text messages.
- A 360 character text message is 3 segments (two 160 character segments, one 40 character segment). This is like 3 text messages.

We classify messages containing images/media or are greater than 160 characters as MMS.

Here is a key difference between us and our competitors: If you send a text message that is 2, 3, 4, or more segments long, we still only charge you for one MMS message. Our competition charges you a ping per segment!

More info on Location Links?
Location Links are used to grab the geocoordinates and additional information from drivers. They are sent via SMS to drivers and the message contains a link to our website. You are able to customize the link page to have custom buttons.